Gimme 5: Favorite Love Stories

Me and My Sister Donna!

I figure I’d go from posting your 5 favorite hotties last week (some great feedback on that one everyone — much thanks!), to something a little bit more sentimental this time around.  

This “Gimme 5” is in honor of my super-awesome and beautiful sister, Donna who is getting married in exactly one week. CONGRATULATIONS, DONNA AND RICH!!! As you can imagine, there’s all this love in the air and I wanted to keep that vibe going and fuse it into my humble little film site. And really…who doesn’t love a good movie romance anyway? Some of the most popular movies belong to the ‘romance’ genre: romantic comedies, sweeping epic romances, romantic mysteries, adventure, and on and on. And yes, Annie Hall would no doubt be in my Top 5, but in the spirit of trying to mix things up, I’ll leave it out this one week. But just once!!! 

So for this week, keep that summer lovin feelin’ and:


I will start…

1. City Lights (1931)
Chaplin’s timeless classic where his Tramp falls for a beautiful blind girl
2. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Hepburn and Grant make a terrific couple in this screwball comedy
3. Il Postino (1994)
Combine this beautiful love story (with the breathtaking Maria Grazia Cucinotta) and my favorite poet, and it’s easily one of my favorites
4. Serendipity (2001)
Yes, it’s utterly fantastical and cheesy — and I fall for it every time.
5. Reds (1981)
A gloriously filmed romantic epic of John Reed (Warren Beatty) & Louise Bryant (Diane Keaton) is passionate & inspired  

Honorable Mentions: Beauty & the Beast (1991) and The Fisher King (1991)  


60 Responses to Gimme 5: Favorite Love Stories

  1. Pingback: Gimme 5: Bad-Ass MoFos « Magic Lantern Film Blog

  2. rtm says:

    Hmmm, it’s gonna be tough to whittle it down to 5 but let’s see:

    • Dear Frankie: Lizzie & The Stranger
    • Return to Me: Gracie & Bob
    • Roman Holiday: Princess Ann & Joe Bradley
    • The Painted Veil: Kitty & Walter
    • Sense & Sensibility: Elinor & Edward

    I can easily list up to twenty on this topic! 🙂

  3. Mike says:

    1. Phantom of the Opera
    2. dare I say it, but… Oldboy? ;]
    3. King Kong
    4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    5. Love Actually

    • I really like Love, Actually. I never cared for Benjamin Button. You are very strange for mentioning Oldboy in this category, but I see what you mean….thinking outside the box…I like it!
      You know how I know you’re gay?
      You like Phantom of the Opera.

      • Mike says:

        lol excuse me? I loved Phantom of the Opera

        O and yea, B.Button as a movie was very so-so, I decided to put it up there cause i thought it was a real unique type of romance

  4. Tracey says:

    1. Frankie and Johnny
    2. Moonstruck
    3. (500) Days of Summer
    4. The Notebook
    5. An Officer and a Gentleman

    • rtm says:

      Cool that someone mentions Moonstruck! My friend Becky’s been egging me on to watch it as I have it from Netflix since last week.

    • Love (500) Days!!! Very sweet, although Zooey is a bit of a bitch to poor Joseph. Frankie and Johnny is a nice story and Pacino just rocks in it….I’m a guy so I don’t like The Notebook very much at all. 🙂

  5. CMrok93 says:

    1. 500 Days of Summer
    2. Titanic
    3. Shakespeare in Love
    4. Chasing Amy
    5. Il Postino
    Their odd choices, but I loved them all!

  6. Tara says:

    1. Romeo & Juliet
    2. Dirty Dancing
    3. You’ve Got Mail
    4. Twilight (just for you Peter!!!) LOL
    5. West Side Story

    P.S. I love you…great movie but I cried hysterically!!!

  7. patrizia says:

    1. remember me
    2. notebook
    4.p.s i love you
    5.romeo and juliet

    • yes, grease is a good choice. Didn’t even think of that one. Romeo and Juliet is awesome — but not the Leonardo one – love the Zefferelli version. Nice list, Patrizia!

  8. Corey says:

    I had a little bit tougher time with this one, but here are the 5 I came up with…

    Jerry Maguire
    The Princess Bride

    • These are excellent choices, man. Singles is a terrific film and Rebecca is my all-time favorite Hitchcock movie. Princess Bride love story is a good one. Nicely done…

  9. Donna says:

    Awww, how sweet, my brother!! Thank you!!
    Here are my love story picks…
    1. The Notebook
    2. True Romance
    3. Serendipity
    4. When Harry met Sally
    5. Say Anything

  10. Lizzy says:

    Good topic! I don’t think I can put these in any ranking because I could watch them all over and over again…

    Beauty and the Beast
    Gone With The Wind
    Ever After
    The Notebook

  11. Raul Duke says:

    1) King Kong.
    2) Raging Bull (second wife)
    3) Quiet Man
    4) Rocky
    5) Sleepless in Seattle

  12. Dan says:

    This is a nice antidote to my top 10 today:

    …congrats to Donna and Rich! Glad they didn’t fall into the trap of my above list!

    Love stories have always been a difficult sell for me but there have been a few that have risen above the rest:

    1. The Apartment
    2. Cinema Paradiso (which would also include the love (friendship) between the cinema projectionist and the young boy)
    3. Annie Hall
    4. PS. I Love You
    5. When Harry met Sally

  13. Nora says:

    Ooh Il Postino – great choice! Love that one.

    So many favorites, so in no particular order:
    Wuthering Heights (1939)
    Before Sunrise/Before Sunset
    A Very Long Engagement

    Honorable mentions: Gone With the Wind (of course), The Sound of Music, and The Unbearable Lightness of Being

  14. Allison Milana says:

    New Moon
    Breaking Dawn Part 1
    Breaking Dawn Part 2


    I know you will be thrilled with my list.

  15. Heather says:

    Oh you picked Reds. That is so tragically romantic of you!

    1. Terminator………Sarah and Kyle. The short lived love affair that I hold all other chemistry induced fictional interactions to standard with.

    2. Ever After………it may be flighty and I’m showing my girlie side here, but it is one of the few “chick flicks” that I simply adore. Updated and smart, yet still romantic.

    3. The Way We Were………….Oh Hubble. Redford and Streisand kill this one for me. I still call every girl I know named Katie. KUHKUHKUHKAaaaatie……no one ever gets it, and while this one doesn’t make me shed tears, it does make me wilt inside.

    4. When Harry Met Sally, I don’t care how predictable this choice is, this film is still brilliant, and still funny, and still relevant aside from the hairstyles. It’s a great story about how falling in love isn’t necessarily full of magic and moonbeams.

    5. Splendor In The Grass………….Tragically romantic and one of my favorite Natalie Wood performances………closely considered with This Property Is Condemned with me as well.

    • Heather says:

      Oh and runners up were The African Queen, Titanic, Barefoot In The Park, and The Little Mermaid!

    • Splendor in the Grass almost made it to my 5. Love that film!!! Great choice. I watched the Way We Were hoping for so much, but it didn’t really speak to me. And yes, Reds is phenomenal and always gets to me. Thank you, Heather — and thank you for always giving your fav 5!!!

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